Carlos VillarroelMongoose with NestJS 8 and MongoDB Atlas v2Thanks for your support on my publication about NestJS and Mongoose, a lot of things happened since then:Nov 30, 2021Nov 30, 2021
Carlos VillarroelImprove your AWS RDS MySQL DatabaseThere are sometimes that our database feels slow, that have a direct impact in our application, so, here is a quick guide of a couple of…Aug 4, 2021Aug 4, 2021
Carlos VillarroelinJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to connect to a MongoDB with Nest.jsMongoose | MongoDB with Nest.jsJan 4, 20211Jan 4, 20211
Carlos VillarroelConstruye TalentoEl talento trabajado siempre va a rendir frutos, pero si no tienes el talento, ten por seguro que la perseverancia y el esfuerzo siempre…Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Carlos VillarroelinJavaScript in Plain EnglishServerless NestJS with AWS DynamoDBIf we talk about Databases with NestJS you probably already made some connection with MongoDB and mongoose or MySQL and typeorm.Jul 24, 20201Jul 24, 20201
Carlos VillarroelinJavaScript in Plain EnglishServerless NestJS: Document your API with Swagger and AWS API GatewayAdd documentation to your API is really important for share it with your team or with your clients, some times the process of create this…Jul 14, 20202Jul 14, 20202
Carlos VillarroelinJavaScript in Plain EnglishNestJS Serverless App with MongoDB AtlasServerless is a cost effective way to create and deploy applicationsJul 9, 20201Jul 9, 20201
Carlos VillarroelThe challenge of lead for the first timeWhen someone called me asking if I wanted to apply for an IT Manager Job, I had many concerns about it. The first thing that I though was…Jun 28, 2019Jun 28, 2019